Our School
At Stanborough School we provide a challenging, engaging and quality education which stretches every student to meet their full potential. We have high expectations of students and ensure that all students have access to quality teaching and learning in an environment built on mutual respect.
Our inclusive and community ethos are supported through our strong pastoral and house systems which help every student to meet their full potential. Students and staff celebrate their successes together whether though academic achievement, sporting and STEM competitions or the performing arts.
We offer students the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects which develop their own individual strengths while maintaining our reputation for academic excellence. These subjects, such as computing and engineering, are facilitated through our modern teaching facilities including dedicated IT and technology suites, a fully equipped sports hall and dance studio and well-resourced science laboratories.
Our high achieving sixth form offers an extensive range of courses to prepare students for the world of work and life at university. The outstanding enrichment programme and high levels of personal support help all students achieve academic excellence.
High Expectations
Mutual Respect
Quality Learning
Success for All
Show respect to everyone
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Help others whenever you can
Behave in a way that allows everyone to learn
Arrive on time, equipped to learn in all lessons
Follow school instructions without argument
Look after our school
Take care of the building, equipment and displays
Use the litter bins
Move sensibly in and around the school
Walk on the left in corridors and on stairs
Behave responsibly in the local area