Year 11 Leavers Assembly
Mrs Vlijter, Assistant Headteacher, writes:
Last Friday saw the last main GCSE exam for our Year 11 students (let’s not forget the final Polish writing exam this week!).
There were tears as students engaged in that rite of passage of writing farewell messages on each other’s shirts, and collecting leaver’s hoodies.
We had a fantastic assembly. A chance for tutors and the pastoral team to share their memories of the year group, and to give them some parting words of advice for the next stage of their journey. Students were a credit to themselves as they left, leaving bits of uniform and revision book donations in their trail.
Of course there are more celebrations to come in the shape of the prom! We are all looking forward to that, and then of course, results day in August!!
Please remember that donations of uniform and revision materials will really benefit existing students, we’re happy to accept this whenever you’re able to bring it into the school office. Thanks in advance.
Have a fantastic summer Year 11- well deserved!!