Student Support and Inclusion
Stanborough School has a long tradition of promoting and achieving inclusion for all young people. The staff in the student support department work with students, parents and colleagues across the school to ensure that all young people have the best possible learning environment.
As a school, we believe that every child brings something special to the school community. All students, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, and have the opportunity to meet their full potential.
The Student Support and Inclusion teams work hard to ensure that staff skills and expertise are utilised effectively by responding to students’ diverse, complex needs to overcome barriers to learning. Our enthusiastic and trained staff offer an extensive range of support. The majority of support is offered in class by our HLTA/TAs under the supervision of the class teacher. Our students with more complex needs are also supported either individually or in a small group.
School staff can refer a student to the student support department if they feel that they may benefit from additional help and support.
Student support and inclusion aims to offer support that is student-centred and flexible to meet individual needs. It may include any of the following:
- Student Passport
- Reading Comprehension Fluency Intervention
- Numeracy Intervention
- Reader Leaders
- Word Shark – Spelling Intervention
- Mentoring
- Homework club
- Social skills groups – for those with a diagnosis of ASD or on the pathway for a diagnosis
- Career Guidance
- LGBTQ+ group
- Young Carers Support
- Typing intervention
- Access arrangements for examinations
- Support with transition to further or higher education
- In-class support
- Small group teaching support sessions
- School counsellor
- Attendance and Behaviour Support Worker
- Student and family support worker
Our aim is to enable all students to participate fully in the life and work of the school.
For more information, please contact the SENDCO, Mrs Beverstock:
Tel: 01707 321755