Stanborough School prides itself on having consistently high expectations and standards for our students.
With this in mind I invite you to continue to support the school in maintaining the highest of standards when it comes to school uniform. There is a great emphasis on uniform and dress code. Please make yourself familiar with the information below and ensure your child is in school wearing the correct uniform.
Official Suppliers
Stanborough branded uniform can be purchased from our official supplier, Smarty Schoolwear.
Please click supplier logo to view website and place orders for uniform and PE kit
66 Town Centre
AL10 0JJ
- Dark grey Stanborough School blazer with green trim (required)
- Stanborough School black jumper with green trim (optional)
- Collared white shirt, long or short sleeved with fastened top button (required, non-branded item acceptable)
- Stanborough School tie, must be worn to the waist (required)
- Black trousers or black skirt with school logo. Skirt must be knee length, if not students will be asked to buy a new skirt or wear the school trousers (required)
- Black shorts with school logo (optional)
- Black school shoes, see image below (required, non-branded)
- Plain black opaque tights or black ankle socks (required, non-branded)
- Plain black outdoor coat (optional, non branded)
- Black school bag with school logo (required)
- Scarves, gloves and hats must be plain black, if worn (optional, non-branded items acceptable)
Cyclists are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet
All uniform should be clearly marked with your child’s name
Second Hand Uniform
We do hold a limited stock of second hand uniform. We appreciate the expense that a uniform incurs. If your need is such that you require support in this area, please contact Admin@stanborough.herts.sch.uk
- There should be no extremes of hairstyles in terms of colour or cut. This includes no designs cut into the hair or eyebrow. Hair colour should be natural, and long hair should be appropriately styled for a work environment. Short hair should not be shaved to the skin.
Extremes of hair style and colour are not acceptable and will result in isolation until it has grown out, or been rectified. - Head coverings worn for religious reasons should be black.
- Make up must not be worn and eyebrows must not be drawn/coloured
- No eyelash extensions are allowed
- No nail varnish or acrylics etc is allowed
- Hair accessories should be minimal and be plain black or dark green
- One small plain stud or sleeper is allowed in the lower lobe of each ear
- Watches are allowed, but there should be no other jewellery worn.
Smart watches are not allowed
Plain black polish-able leather/leather-look school shoes
(not trainers, trainer style shoes or shoes with logos, canvas, platforms or leisure style shoes eg Reebok, Adidas, Nike, Converse etc).
Shoes need to be ankle size (not boots) with plain black laces and black soles
Low heels; and no sling backs or sandals allowed
In bad weather, appropriate foot wear can be worn to school but it must be changed to school shoes on arrival
PE Kit
- Stanborough green polo shirt with House colour panels and Stanborough logo (required)
- Stanborough green and navy blue reversible rugby shirt, boys only (required)
- Stanborough Green PE hoodie (girls required, boys optional)
- Navy blue shorts (required, non-branded item)
- Football / hockey green games socks (required, non-branded)
- White gym socks, girls only (optional, non-branded)
- Navy blue jogging bottoms (optional, non-branded)
- Trainers, suitable and clean (required, any brand)
- Studded boots, football/rugby (boys required, girls optional, any brand)
- Stanborough school games bag, in House colour (required)
- Navy blue leggings with school logo, girls only (optional)
- Gum shield (required for rugby, recommended for hockey)
All PE kit should be clearly marked with your child’s name
- A Stanborough School Black bag with School Logo
- Laptop and earphones – Year 7 students
- Pencil case containing pens, pencils, eraser, colouring pencils, highlighter pen, green pen, pencil sharpener, pair of compasses, ruler, protractor/angle measurer, scientific calculator (Casio fx-83GTX), glue and whiteboard pen and whiteboard rubber/cloth
- Timetable
- Reading Book
- Students would also benefit from having a pocket English and French/Spanish dictionary
Equipment can be purchased in the school study shop / LRC
Post-16 Dress Code
Post 16 students are expected to set an example to the rest of the school through their high standard of business-like dress and the way they present themselves.
The intention of the Post 16 dress code is to maintain the smart appearance of the lower school years. A sixth former should be able to leave the school site and immediately attend a formal interview without having to change their appearance.
The Post 16 dress code is smart office wear and the requirements are as follows:
- Tailored jacket and tailored trousers or tailored skirt or dress (skirt or dress should be no more than 5cm above the knee)
- Boys should wear a shirt with a tie (with top button done up)
- Girls should wear a fitted shirt or smart top without logos. Shirts and blouses must cover the midriff. Vest tops, low cut tops or tops that reveal midriffs are not suitable.
- Smart shoes (not trainers or other casual shoes)
Any headwear relating to religious observance is allowed e.g. Hijab for Muslim girls.
- Hooded tops are not to be worn at any time
- No extremes of hairstyles or colour
- No excessive facial piercings allowed
- A jacket must be worn when walking around school, as well as for assemblies and other formal occasions. Teachers may give students permission to remove their jackets in lessons
- Outdoor coats must be removed in class and assemblies
- For practical lessons, students may need to bring in appropriate clothing to change into for that lesson.
Stanborough School reserves the right to arbitrate on whether an outfit/item of clothing is appropriate and in keeping with the premise of smart business wear. Any student who breaches the school dress code can expect to be sent home to change. Students will be issued with a Saturday Detention for repeated offences.
Students from Consortium Schools should respect the Stanborough Dress Code.