Life Skills
The Life Skills curriculum encompasses many aspects of PSHE, Social, Moral and Cultural education. Our aim is to support students to become knowledgeable, resilient and respectful citizens.
The Life Skills curriculum is delivered in a number of ways; through tutor times; curriculum areas; drop down sessions and Cultural, Societies and Ethics lessons. Students cover a range of life skills topics within the program which is structured so the topics follow progression from one year to the next and are age appropriate and cover the needs of the students.
We have a number of outside speakers and organisations who visit the school to deliver assemblies or lessons. At Stanborough we encourage students to take part in many different experiences that will enhance their independent learning. In this multi-cultural and diverse society that we live in, we support our students in transitioning from young children to independent adults. Many of the topics that Life Skills covers are cross curricular giving students the additional support and information they require.
There are numerous exciting and informative events throughout the year to assist our student’s transition towards independent and safe lives.