Child Development
This course will inspire and enthuse students to consider a career in early years, or related sectors, where knowledge of child development is relevant.
What will students study:
In KS4:
OCR Cambridge National Level 1 / Level 2 Child Development
Health and well-being for child development- Assessed through an exam worth 40%
Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children from birth to five years- Assessed through four assignments worth 30%
Development of a child from birth to five years- Assessed through four assignments worth 30%.
In KS5:
NCFE CACHE Level 3 Applied General Certificate for Early Years, Childcare and Education
01: The role of the early years, childcare and education practitioner
02: Human development from conception to 19 years
03: Key legislation, policy and procedures
04: Statutory educational frameworks
05: Play and learning
How can I support my child in this subject?
Encourage your child to complete the weekly homework task which is set on Classcharts. Engage in conversation about what they have been learning in class and perhaps offer your experience as a parent with small children, this will all help to consolidate a lot of what they are learning. The following revision book is also recommended:
My Revision Notes: Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Child Development: Second Edition Paperback – 31 Mar. 2023
ISBN: 978-1398351196
Celebrating success in this subject
Bronze and silver awards are given for effort, classwork and homework. Postcards are sent home to acknowledge consistent outstanding attitude.
Many students who take Child Development at KS4 go on to study Level 3 Childcare and Education at Stanborough 6th form or go on to an apprenticeship at a local nursery.