Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
In religion, philosophy and ethics we cover all aspects of religious life and enable students to not only learn about religion, but also to learn from religion. The subject helps students at Stanborough to develop spiritually and morally and to become emotionally intelligent members of our community. In all Key Stages students follow the Agreed Syllabus for Hertfordshire, which entails a study of the major world religions present in Britain (including Christianity which is studied at each Key Stage).
Head of Department: Mr R Collinson
What will students study?
In KS3:
In Key Stage 3 Religion, Philosophy and Ethics we follow a thematic approach, studying a range of themes within the six main world religions, so that that students can both learn about religions and from religions.
Year 7: Introduction to World Religions; Beliefs & Practices; Prayer, Worship & Reflection; Religion in Welwyn, Identity & Belonging
Year 8: Symbols & Actions; Sources of Wisdom; Justice & Fairness. British Values
Year 9: Ultimate Questions; Human Responsibility & Values; Faith, Culture & Media.
In KS4:
In Key Stage 4 Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, all students have option to study Full Course GCSE Religious Studies. We currently follow the Linear OCR GCSE Specification.
In this qualification students have to study two main sections: Core Religion and then Philosophy and Ethics. Firstly, we study both the beliefs and teachings, and the practices of two of the six main world religions. We study Christianity and Islam.
Secondly, we study four key themes of religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world: existence of God, peace and conflict, human relationships, and the dialogues between and within religious and non-religious groups.
In addition to this, all students also study a course called Cultures, Society & Ethics (CSE). In this, non-examined course students study a range of modules which reflect what it means to be a member of our and other communities. It incorporates issues which have big impacts on the lives of student and young people like Alcohol; family life; The Holocaust; Relationships; Stress & Well-being.
This CSE course covers many of the areas of study in the new statutory RSE Curriculum.
In KS5:
All students will continue to study Religion, Philosophy and Ethics during enrichment time, utilising the areas of study from the Key Stage 5 area in the Religious Education Locally Agreed Syllabus.
At A-Level we teach AQA A Level Philosophy. This course is designed to introduce students to the key methods and concepts in philosophy through the study of four broad themes: Epistemology; Moral Philosophy; Metaphysics of God; Metaphysics of Mind. Students will develop and refine a range of transferable skills, such as the ability to ask penetrating questions, to analyse and evaluate the arguments of others and to present their own arguments clearly and logically.
How can I support my child in this subject?
Ensure your child completes all homework. Encourage your child to watch the news regularly and help and provide access to internet/library resources. Encourage an open, unprejudiced approach to other faiths and beliefs.
What equipment does my child need in this subject?
For religion, philosophy and ethics your child will need to keep a well-stocked pencil case, in line with Stanborough School expectations. Students will also need to have access to colouring pencils and/or pens both in school and at home. Students are expected to be responsible for this themselves. They can purchase some items in the school Stationary Store in the LRC.
Celebrating successes in this subject
We celebrate success in religion, philosophy and ethics in a number of ways. We use individual feedback to students on work and often work is displayed on the walls of the religion, philosophy and ethics rooms.
We also use the school rewards structure including the awarding of Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards and subject prizes in the Achievement Evenings. We also try to contact home regularly through calls and postcards.
Extra-Curricular Activities and Visits
In recent years we have run a number of extra-curricular activities in religion, philosophy and ethics. This ranges from visits to places of worship to fit with Key Stage 3 curriculum aims, to visits from representatives from faith groups and speakers from the Holocaust Education Trust.
A group of Key Stage 5 students will also be attending a Philosophy Conference for a few days in October.