Remote Learning
Given the current turbulent situation in the United Kingdom, we are working hard to ensure that effective and engaging remote learning will be the cornerstone of our school offer for students unable to attend school in person.
In order to boost their engagement and ability to understand and complete the work set remotely by their teachers, we are increasing the levels of interactivity, with students receiving ‘live’ lesson episodes from their teachers. With this in mind, it is essential that students strictly adhere to the Remote Learning Students’ Protocol when being taught remotely. All students and their families must be familiar with this protocol to be found here
Remote Teaching and Learning: Software and Policy
The main vehicle for delivering remote learning will be Microsoft Teams. This enables staff to set lessons online as each timetabled class is now a ‘Team’ with the relevant member of staff allocated to it. Students should access the work when lessons would take place, as the same member of staff (where possible) will be available to support. The work set will be in line with that delivered during normal school days/weeks/terms. This means that lessons will stop during the published school holidays.
Microsoft Teams here
Parental Support
Remote teaching obviously requires a different form of support from our parent body and we will very much appreciate whatever support you can give us. There are some clear details noted in the policy about the space needed and behaviour expectations but we will obviously need your support in managing behaviour remotely and in motivating pupils. Please email staff as you would do now if you have specific concerns and we will contact you via email.
Staff Welfare
I am sure you are aware that any school closures or partial closures are an immensely difficult process for staff to manage, despite their professionalism and willingness to make it work. I would request that you keep emails to a minimum (an ordinary classroom teacher will have hundreds of pupils on their weekly timetables so individual emailing could too easily become an unmanageable torrent) and note that the guidelines about working days, etc are also to protect staff welfare as much as ensure clarity for pupils. Staff will be balancing remote teaching alongside their normal teaching days, so instantaneous responses will be no more possible than usual.
We will continue to update you as and when we receive more information and we are reviewing all aspects of the situation on a daily basis.