Listed below are the various Governing committees and their members.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee oversees all matters relating to staffing within the school. The Committee meets regularly throughout the school year at which it monitors issues such as recruitment and retention, performance management and staff training. The Committee annually reviews the staffing plan thereby ensuring that there are sufficient numbers of teachers available to meet the teaching requirements for the following year. The Committee is also responsible for the review and implementation of a number of key policies upon which it advises the Full Governing Body.
Committee Members:
Merry John
Guya Persaud
Lax Hirani, Vice Chair
Shelley Taylor
Jacqueline Broderick
Jane Ikeagwu
Finance & Resources Committee
The Finance & Resources Committee is responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the school and also the school environment. After the budget setting process in the spring term, the Committee meets regularly to monitor income and expenditure within the school’s £5M budget and consider recommendations for unplanned expenditure which can occur throughout the school year. Membership of the Committee is strengthened by the inclusion of the chairs of the other four governor committees, as necessary, in addition to the Headteacher and the school bursar. Reinforcing the ethos of improving the learning environment for all, both inside and outside the classroom, the Governing Body has approved many major projects designed solely to improve the School Environment: the provision of re-modelled ICT rooms, improvements to the Dining Room, the refurbishment of the toilets, many redecorated and dual use classrooms, cleared outside areas with new benches and bins, the enlargement of the LRC, the redecoration and re-flooring of the School corridors and the replacement of roofs and windows.
Students with Disabilities
Since 1998 Stanborough has been the designated school for physically and neurologically impaired (PNI) students in the Welwyn-Hatfield area. The School’s Accessibility Plan adopted in May 2003 gives details of how students with disabilities access the curriculum.
Committee Members:
Merry John
Guya Persaud
Peter Miles, Chair
Jonathan Hickey
Adam Wadley
Ajay Mathew
Jesal Shah
Standards & Achievements Committee
The purpose of the Standards and Achievements Committee is to be a “critical friend” to the school in its mission to enable each student to fulfill their potential in their chosen subjects and to mature into a confident individual well prepared to succeed in life upon leaving Stanborough School.
Our annual programme includes the following topics and we invite a member of the Senior Leadership Team to each meeting to brief us on their area of responsibility:
- Curriculum development and resources
- Review of public examination results
- Monitoring the quality of teaching and learning
- Consortium and Sixth Form arrangements
- Learning Support and Inclusion
- Personal Social Health Education and Citizenship
- Behaviour and Rewards
- The Committee is responsible for overseeing the admissions process for the school. As an academy, Stanborough is responsible for its own admissions. The Committee ensures that the school’s arrangements are compliant with both the national Schools Admissions Code and Hertfordshire County Council’s scheme of co-ordinated admissions. The Committee is also responsible for arranging all aspects of admission appeals and advising the Full Governing Body on the school’s admission policy.
Committee Members:
Merry John
Guya Persaud
Jane Cranham, Chair
Geoff Mossman, Vice Chair
Stephen Kane
Clerk to the Governing Body
Tracey Norris
Documents and Information
Chair of Governors
Mr Guya Persaud