Year 9
It is crucial that Year 9 students build on academic progress from Years 7 and 8 and demonstrate an exceptional work ethic in all subject areas, coupled with the key principle of mutual respect.
The Year 9 tutor team work hard to help their tutees achieve their best. They are a strong pastoral team who have extensive experience of being tutors and are on hand throughout the year to offer support, advice and guidance during Year 9, just like previous years, further building on the relationships made. During the 20 minute tutor time set aside each day, we are committed to supporting students with their studies, progress and setting targets for the half term ahead. We also help students to develop an array of organisational skills and link to careers.
Aside from academic support, the pastoral team are instrumental in both the recognition and awarding of student success stories in and out of school. We also play a vital role in ensuring that there are no barriers to learning with the overarching goal being that every student in the year group reach their full potential, in-spite of the challenges that school life presents. I am very much looking forward to a new chapter in this secondary school journey for them and excited for what they can learn and achieve in Year 9.
This is an exciting year for Year 9 students as they will be selecting their GCSE option choices this academic year to start in Year 10. We are here to support them in making the right decisions and achieving success for all. With such a crucial year ahead, we have very high expectations of the students in order to support them in reaching their short and long-term goals. Being organised, pro-active and committed to every subject is the key to success. We expect every student to contribute to a productive learning environment where everyone has the chance to excel. As many students as possible should take advantage of the extra-curricular activities on offer in order to enhance their learning and enrich their time in Year 9.
Year Leader: Mr Sinclair
Deputy Year Leader: Mr Foster