Values & Ethos
Stanborough School has strong links to our local community. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi faith and ever changing nature of our local community and the United Kingdom.
At Stanborough, we create an ethos of acceptance and respect, whatever students’ cultural, religious or ethnic background or sexual orientation. We work hard to ensure that groups of students or individuals at Stanborough are not subjected to intimidation, prejudice or radicalisation.
Our admission’s policy clearly states that, in line with Hertfordshire’s admission’s policy, we accept admissions from all those entitled to an education under British law. There will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar. We are a community school with an inclusive ethos.
The Government emphasises that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools. The ‘Prevent Strategy’ (available in PDF format below) sets out the government’s definition of British Values: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect; tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
The promotion of British Values
As a school we teach British values through our curriculum and our Life Skills programme. We teach philosophy and ethics to students in Key Stages 3 and 4 and students in our post 16 provision receive philosophy and ethics as part of the enrichment programme. Life Skills is taught to all students during tutor time and promotes an understanding of issues beyond the classroom such as politics, religion and prejudice as well as self-image, sex and relationships education and issues of mental health.
We also promote British values beyond the classroom through our programme of outside speakers, extra-curricular activities and trips. For example, in the spring term we have the charity ‘Family Lives’ working with numerous year groups, followed by the ‘Knoflux Theatre Company’ performing ‘Chelsea’s Choice’ in the summer term. Each year we also invite a Holocaust survivor in to talk to students. In philosophy and ethics students in Key Stage Three visit different religious buildings as part of their education on different religions.
We encourage students to engage positively in democracy. We recently held our own mock general election where students took on either side of the debate and campaigned for their side. Students were given the opportunity to vote and were given the results. Students are also given the opportunity to vote for Heads of School, and council and house representatives in their tutor groups.
Students are offered a range of ways of experiencing British culture and other cultures through our national and international trips. For example, students who play a musical instrument or perform in our choirs are offered the opportunity to go on a trip to Germany to perform during the summer term. We also run trips to universities and industries in England to widen students’ opportunities and understanding of the world around them. We also run a successful and popular Duke of Edinburgh award where students complete for their Bronze and Gold award from Years 10 to 13.
Each year group has an assembly at least once a week which often focuses on a key issue in society. For example, we often recognise Black History month, World Book Day and deal with other relevant issues in assemblies.