Message from the Headteacher – Mrs John
It was wonderful to receive some feedback from the National Young Mathematician Awards this week. Four Year 8 students took part in the competition this year and they were an incredible inspiration to the team. Ash Morgan, the Centre Director from Explore Learning, Watford commented “A huge well done to Catherine, Aamina, Nathan and Ben! We were so impressed with their problem solving skills, and the clear and logical reasoning they presented surrounding aspects of the challenge. I was so incredibly impressed by this dynamic team.”
Headteacher’s commendations for this week are:
Rhyley Broomfield (Yr. 7) for improved attitude to learning;
Nathan Davies, Aamina Hussain, Ben Hahn, Catherine Cranham (Yr. 8) for taking a leadership role in representing Stanborough in a Maths competition and being an inspiration to others;
Keira Fan (Yr. 9) for an outstanding attitude to all aspects of school life;
Haseeb Choudhry (Yr. 10) for the most positive slips and being helpful to his tutor;
Haylan Dunham (Yr. 11) for being a role model to the Year 7 students;
Daniel Rowe (Yr. 12) for working exceptionally hard on the Year 7 Transition Evening video;
Alfie Kerr (Yr. 13) for outstanding leadership and citizenship in co-ordinating and being the inspiration for the Remembrance Day event.
Quote of the week:
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
Thanks to our students for being an inspiration to others and for being young leaders. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes. Mrs John