Valentine Business Project 2020
Faizan Choudhry 10H, Oli Harvey 10B and Ellen Green 10A , write:
On Thursday 13th February 2020, our business class ran a yearly event called the Valentine’s project 2020. This involves people ordering roses and then runners distributing them to the recipient during tutor time. This process involved several people giving up their lunch and break times to ensure the operation ran smoothly.
The first step was to divide the class into three groups:
Marketing, Finance and Operations. Then leaders were assigned; Finance: Ellen Green 10A, Marketing: Oli Harvey 10B and Faizan Choudhry 10H, Operations: Hana Rose 10H. Each group worked together and assigned roles for each person in the group. Such tasks included making powerpoints, posters, locating the roses and deciding on prices.
Over time the project began to fall into place with each team providing crucial elements in order for the project to be successful.
On the day, runners were assigned to different year groups in small groups by Oli Harvey 10B, Joe Johnson 10S and Daisy Humphreys 10K. They then took the orders that had been placed at break time and ensured that the roses were correctly arranged and the messages on them were complete. Finally, at form time on Thursday 13th February the roses were delivered and the project came to an end.
Overall, this project was extremely successful by making a profit of approximately £72 with the initial revenue amounting to £97 . Much credit to Hana Rose 10H for overseeing the project as a whole.