Duke of Edinburgh Update
Mrs G. Elliott, DofE Co-ordinator, writes:
Gold Year 12/Y13 Group
On the 26th March, two Gold Groups went to the Peak District to complete the Practice Gold Expedition. They completed two days of training followed by a three day expedition. It has taken the Group a lot of time to prepare the expedition and finalise aims, menus, equipment and routes. During the week, they had to face some very challenging conditions including some snow and cold temperatures as well as climbing mountains carrying everything they needed for the duration. Once again, I was so impressed by the resilience, enthusiasm and perseverance of our students who faced the challenges and completed the expedition. Thank you to our Approved Activity Provider, Wilderness Expertise, as well as Mrs Bradbury and Mrs Barfield for their help.
Year 10 Bronze Award Walking Group
Our Year 10 Bronze Award Walking Group completed a day’s training in February when they gained the skills needed to complete the ‘Expedition’ Section of the Award. Following this training, the students have prepared their routes for their Practice Expedition which is going to take place on 19th and 20th May. The Qualifying Expedition is on 13th and 14th July. Students will also be completing the other sections of the award and I would like to take this opportunity to remind them to upload photos, other pieces of evidence and assessor reports on the eDofE website for their section to be approved.
Year 10 Bronze Award Canoeing Group
The Y10 Bronze Canoeing Group will be completing their training on 28th and 29th April at Stanborough Lakes and should have received a letter with information such as what to wear and bring for the training days. The Practice Canoeing Expedition will take place on 9th and 10th June and the Qualifying Expedition 22nd and 23rd June.
We wish all our participants good luck for the two challenging expeditions to come.