Fond Farewell to Mr Brown
After 15 successful years at the school we say goodbye at the end of the year to Mr Brown, our Headteacher. Mr Brown joined the school in September 2003 and since that time has led a number of significant developments at the school. These have included the school becoming a Specialist Mathematics & Computing School which despite the withdrawal of government funding from the scheme, still has a significant impact on present students in these two curriculum areas. It was Mr Brown who also led the school through the academy status process in 2012 which again today benefits our students via the school having many more freedoms in the way it manages its resources. In 2014 the school received an OFSTED ’Good’ rating after asking them to come in and inspect the school to see for themselves the progress the school has made.
On top of these major milestones of his time at the school, the school has also changed in many other ways including the development of a varied three year curriculum that still enables our students to study a wide variety of subjects at Key Stage Four. Students this week have been enjoying enrichment week, again a development initiated by Mr Brown. Run for Stanborough was also initiated by Mr Brown, in its first year it raised the final £5,000 needed for us to be a Specialist School, subsequently it has raised approximately £100,000 for a large number of worthy causes, again, a notable legacy of the community and socially focussed school Mr Brown has led during his time at Stanborough.
At all times, Mr Brown has put the students at the centre of his decisions and the focus of the school has always been for students to achieve as much as they can, both in and out of the classroom. Mr Brown has worked tirelessly to ensure that Stanborough remains an inclusive school that offers amazing opportunities for all the students that attend it. He will be missed by staff, students, governors and parents alike. I am sure that parents will join with all of the school community to wish Mr Brown a long and happy retirement with best wishes for the future.
Neil Hounsom, Chair of Governors, writes:
We say goodbye to Mr Brown after 15 years of outstanding service as Headteacher of this school. It has been an absolute privilege and a pleasure to have worked with Mr Brown over the years and his legacy of an over subscribed, fully inclusive school will continue for many years to come. I know that the Board of Governors, the School Leadership Team, the staff, the students and all the parents will join me in wishing Mr Brown a well deserved, very happy and enjoyable retirement. We will all miss him very much.
Thank you and Farewell
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Mr. P Brown, Headteacher, writes:
I would like to thank all of the staff at Stanborough for their fantastic work this year to support our students. A few staff are moving on from Stanborough and I would like to particularly thank Mr Moore who is retiring from teaching after 19 years as Head of PE at Stanborough. He has built our sports to a very high standard, and his links to the Gosling Sports Park, local clubs and lettings of our sport facilities have really benefited the school and the students.
I also wanted to note the great work of Mr Benzid who is moving on for promotion to a Senior Leadership position. He started at Stanborough as an NQT in July 2008 and was promoted to Curriculum Leader for IT. Mr Benzid will be remembered at Stanborough for his outstanding work on Robotics leading to us being crowned UK Champions. The high level of commitment and talent nurtured by Mr Benzid has been exemplified in the student leadership that involves so many students in our clubs and competitions to promote and develop our winners and leaders of the future.
We also say goodbye to the following members of staff, and thank them for all their hard work on behalf of your children:
Miss R. Hooper (Curriculum Leader: Science),
Mrs K. Barfield (Subject Leader: Chemistry),
Mrs R. Lucas (Mathematics),
Ms L. Jones (Drama, Media, HLTA),
Mrs J. Maton (HLTA),
Mrs M. Foinette (Science Technician),
Mr A. Whyte (Science),
Ms K. McCarthy (English, Drama, Geography),
Mr M. Pantling (Music),
Ms S. Shebear (IT & Computing)
Ms J. Dentandt (PE).