Message from the Headteacher – Mrs John
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff, parents and students who have made me feel so welcome since I started in September. It has been an enjoyable, busy and rewarding first eight weeks and I look forward to seeing all of our students back at school and refreshed on Monday 5th November.
Headteacher’s commendations for this week are:
Maya Hirani (Yr.7) for her positive attitude towards her education;
Louise Grenfell (Yr.8) for her performance in Year 8 netball team and being voted ‘player of the match’ by the opposition in all 3 netball matches played so far;
Connor Brophy (Yr.9) for helping at Breakfast Club with the younger students;
Nicole Williams (Yr.10) for exceptionally high number of bronze awards this half term;
Katie McClymont (Yr.11) for outstanding attitude to learning and academic progress;
Joe Freeman (Yr .11) for demonstration of resilience when facing a challenging exam;
May Avery (Yr.12) for making such a positive start in a new school through volunteering and commitment to her studies;
Robin Eltringham (Yr.13) for reaching the final of a Los Angeles screenwriting competition.
Quote of the week:
“If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.” Dr Reda Bedeir
Wishing you all a wonderful half term break.
Mrs John