World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2019
Mr D. Bishop, KS3 Leader: English, writes:
To mark World Book Day, Year 7 were given the task of matching famous literary pairs with different teachers wearing a character label. The competition created a real buzz around school, with a crowd of pupils even clamouring outside the staff room at lunchtime, begging teachers to come out!
At the end of the day I received a huge number of entries. After being carefully scrutinised, the following pupils had the highest number of correct answers, and were winners of the competition: Sophie Green, Emily Young, Sam Jeffrey, Maisy Buckingham, Clifford Lengalenga, Matthew Dunstan and Sajini Satheeskumar. Each received their choice of a book as reward for their efforts.
As well as the competition, the LRC was decorated with a special display, and pupils across the school were given special WBD vouchers to spend on books. It all made for an excellent and enjoyable day. We are already looking forward to expanding our plans for World Book Day 2020!