Message from the Headteacher – Mrs John
An amazing Thursday night here at Stanborough! I attended my first Stanborough Winter Concert and what a great celebration of the true talent in the school. We had about 50 students from Years 7 to 13 take part in various musical performances. A personal thanks to Mrs Jackson for her leadership of the Music department, the talented music teachers and finally to our students for their dedication and effort in creating such masterpieces. I was a very proud Headteacher indeed and yet again feel humbled and blessed to be given the opportunity to lead this community forward.
Headteacher’s commendations for this week are:
Nathan Biba (Yr.7) for positive attitude towards learning;
Keira Hart (Yr.8) highly commendable attitude to learning in many lessons and within tutor group. An excellent role model to others;
Ellen Green (Yr.9) outstanding attitude to learning and contribution to all aspects of school life;
Tamzin Cooper (Yr.10) for outstanding approach to learning; excellent work ethic and focus;
Ashlea Ganendran-Cox (Yr.11) for outstanding approach to learning in recent weeks;
Lucy Thompson (Yr.12) and Edgar Kager (Yr.13) for excellence in their progress checks, their positive approach and being aspirational role models.
Quote of the week:
“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you” Mary Lou Retton.
Have a great rest and I look forward to our last two weeks together.
Mrs John