Post 16 Transition at Stanborough
Mr T. Braybrook, Deputy Headteacher, writes:
On Thursday 9th November, Year 11 and their parents were invited to an information evening at the school, designed to inform them about the Post 16 provision at Stanborough. After initial talks in the hall, students and parents were invited to speak to subject staff about the courses offered at Stanborough and what they entailed. Students and parents were also encouraged to visit the newly refurbished Post 16 Learning Centre to see where they could be spending the next two years of their education.
It is a big and important step to make, the transition from pre-16 education to Post 16, and this evening was just the start of the process. Application forms for Stanborough Sixth Form are not due in until January 24th 2018 so students will have a while to consider their options/choices. During this time, the school will offer support, advice and guidance from a number of different angles to ensure that students make the best choice for their future. One example of this is that all students in Year 11 will receive an interview from a senior member of staff in January 2018 regarding their education post Year 11. This will ensure that the appropriate support and guidance is being targeted effectively.
As part of this process, parents and students from across Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield had the opportunity to attend the Consortium Information Evening on 16th November which was held at Stanborough. This allowed students who are considering taking a subject not taught at Stanborough (as part of the Welwyn Hatfield Consortium) to speak to a subject specialist.
Electronic copies of the application forms, subject criteria and information leaflets for all subjects can be found on the school website.
For the application form and subject criteria click :
For the subject leaflets click :
Top Tips when choosing post-16 options
Mrs V. Hargreaves, Year 11 Leader, writes:
Choosing your A-levels can feel pretty daunting when you first start to think about it. How do I choose my whole future when I haven’t even done my GCSEs? What if I make the wrong decision? What do I want to do at university? WHAT DO I CHOOSE? I read an interesting article from The Student Room website recently and thought I’d share some of the key messages with you..
1. Take subjects you enjoy
If you don’t know what you want to do in terms of a career, picking subjects you enjoy is a good start, as they logically lead to a career that you really like. If you don’t like it then you’re not likely to do as well as you would in a subject you enjoy, or at least think you’d enjoy. 2. Take subjects you’re good at
This often goes hand-in-hand with the point above, as generally people enjoy what they’re good at. You’re more likely to get good grades if you take a subject you’re passionate about – you will be more motivated to work, which ultimately should lead to better performance.
3. Think about your future – but not too much
Generally, it’s important not to restrict yourself when choosing A-levels, unless you are choosing medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine, as they have very strict requirements. If you have an idea of a career or a subject at university, having a look at entry requirements for that course at different universities is a good idea. If you’re thinking about a Russell Group university, it’s a good idea to think about what are called ‘facilitating subjects’. You can find a list of them on the RG website.