Year 7 Spy Missions Adventure
Mr A Martin, Year 7 Deputy Leader, writes:
During the course of last week, Year 7 students visited the Spy Missions centre in Milton Keynes, where they were able to work in groups to solve mathematical problems. These problems weaved themselves into a spy mission, which each group had to tackle. This included climbing through ventilation shafts and dodging laser beams between each puzzle room.
Everyone had a great time, here are some quotes from some of the students:
“It made me feel like a proper spy.”
“Spy missions was one of the best trips I’ve been on.”
“I liked all the fun activities.”
“We had to stop a missile from launching into London.”
“I loved the assault course and the slide at the end.”
“The escape room was the best.”
“The best part was dodging the lasers.”