Year 7 Visit to Mimosa
Miss G. Hawker, Deputy Year Leader: Year 7 writes:
Last week Year 7 went on the PGL trip to Mimosa in the south of France. We left on Monday 13th May with great excitement waving goodbye to the parents and ready for a long coach journey ahead. Having managed to survive the 20 hour coach trip, we arrived at Mimosa in stunning sunshine a little tired from the journey. However, that did not stop us partaking in the week’s activities consisting of archery, rifle shooting, sailing, banana boat riding, stand up paddle boarding and kayaking. As Year 7 got stuck into the water activities the lovely weather continued leading to lots of fun in the sun! On Friday, the weather took a turn and we spent the day in Carcassonne and Bezier where the students were able to buy their gifts and practise their French.
Having taken part in some of the water sport activities over the week, it was amazing to see how well students worked with each other when put into teams but also seeing them make a range of new friends through the activities as well as during the evening entertainment of the nightly disco.
Overall everyone had a fantastic week; a few of us overcame a few fears and the students made many new friends as well as lots of great memories.
“I really enjoyed the trip and it was worth the long journey! My favourite activity was the banana boat. I really liked getting to know our PGL group leader and instructors.” Destene Downswell 7A
“I thought that all the activities were fun and exciting. If you were scared of doing something all the PGL staff and the teachers supported and encouraged you to do it. There was a variety of food, some healthy and some not so much.” Will Flynn 7OS
“The PGL trip was so amazing as we learnt so many new things on the sea and on land. We had so much fun from the sea all the way to Carcassonne. We also had plenty of food and had lots of opportunities to buy souvenirs and snacks which was fun.” Lily-May Watkins 7A
“The Stanborough School PGL trip was great because we got to do a range of activities from air rifles to sailing. Both the PGL staff and the Stanborough staff were very supportive in all the activities. My favourite was raft building as we were taught how to tie barrels together and tie ropes to logs. We then paddled the raft around a lake. For one day in the week we went to Carcassonne where we had lots of fun around the walled town.” Sam Barratt 7B
“The France trip was exhausting! The coach journey was extremely long but the trip itself made up for it. We mainly went into the sea for most of the activities, which was very cold, but we got used to it eventually. We even went to where Shrek 2 was filmed. The food was very nice and nobody had complaints about it. On the last day we tried snails.” Ryan Hale 7OS
“I think the trip was great fun and I really enjoyed it. The banana boat and when we went to the shopping centre were my favourite because the banana boat went so fast and in the centre we were allowed to go around with our friends in our own time. Even when we were on the coach, which was a very long journey, in both directions, the teachers managed to entertain us with movies. I was very happy with the outcome and look forward to going on another trip in the future.” Sophia Curry 7H
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